Relationship Counseling


Improve Your Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills —
Relationship Counseling Can Make All the Difference

No relationship is perfect—and none of them have to be!

Each of us brings our own ideas, values, opinions, and personal history into our relationships, and they often don’t match those of the other person involved. But differences don’t necessarily mean a relationship is bound for conflict. Quite the contrary!

We’re all familiar with the saying “opposites attract.” Differences are not only stimulating—they can help people understand, respect, and accept opposing views and lead to personal growth and a richer life.

However, relationships can be tested. And the differences that you once found entertaining and endearing can begin to grate on your nerves over time.

While it is not uncommon for relationships to suffer a gradual disintegration of communication and caring, sometimes specific issues—financial disagreements, work-related stress, or an extramarital affair—are the triggers for relationship conflict.

No matter the cause, relationship distress often leads to problems that extend well beyond the boundaries of the relationship itself, including anxiety, tension, sadness, and fear in both our personal and professional lives.

You may hope your relationship troubles work themselves out or just go away. But if left unaddressed, most relationship problems steadily worsen and may lead to other physical or psychological issues, including depression.

Whether you’re having marital problems, coping with family tensions, or experiencing issues communicating with friends or co-workers, professional counseling can help you understand and resolve conflicts, provide you the tools to negotiate differences, problem-solve, and even argue in a healthier way—all to help you improve your communication skills and enhance any relationship.

For more information about how relationship counseling can help you, please continue reading or contact me at (650) 947-4044 or by e-mail at [email protected] with any questions you have or to schedule a free consultation.

Not Sure How to Repair Your Relationship—or Whether You Even Want To?
Couples Counseling Can Help!

Your partner comes home from work, heads straight for the liquor cabinet, and then sulks off silently…

You have a nagging doubt that your partner is ready to leave you for someone else…

Sometimes your partner has bouts of anxiety or depression and you’re angry that you’re always forced to provide emotional support…

You and your partner haven’t had a real conversation for weeks—a few arguments over money or late nights out, sure, but no heart-to-hearts…

Sex? What’s that?

If any of these feel familiar, it may be time to consider couples counseling.

Infidelity, illness, depression, anger, sex, and communication problems all contribute to relationship distress. A bad relationship can also create problems on the job and affect relations with other family members and friends as people feel compelled to take sides.

Couples counseling can help you and a spouse or partner cope with a myriad of issues, including but not limited to:

  • Anxiety, anger, or depression;
  • Conflicts about child-rearing;
  • Financial problems;
  • Unemployment concerns;
  • Sexual difficulties;
  • Infertility issues;
  • Infidelity; and
  • Divorce

Relationship or marital counseling can help you rebuild your relationship or determine if you’ll both be better off going your separate ways. In either case, marriage and couples counseling can help resolve conflicts, heal wounds, and allow you both to move forward with greater respect and understanding, no matter what path you choose.

How Does Couples Counseling Work?

Couples counseling typically brings partners together for joint therapy sessions.

Together, you and your partner will analyze both the good and bad parts of your relationship while the counselor or therapist helps you understand the sources of your conflicts and work towards resolving them.

Talking about your problems with a couples counselor is rarely easy. Sessions may pass in silence as you and your partner seethe over perceived wrongs. You may bring your fights with you, yelling and arguing during sessions. But this is all part of the healing process.

Your counselor is not there to take sides in these disputes but to act as a mediator or referee and help you cope with the emotions and turmoil.

Couples counseling is often short term. You may need only a few sessions to help you weather a crisis—you may find your relationship improving after just a few weeks.

On the other hand, you may need couples counseling for several months, particularly if your relationship has greatly deteriorated. And, while not necessarily common, it is possible you’ll discover that your differences are truly irreconcilable and that it’s best to end your relationship and go your separate ways.

What If Your Partner Refuses to Attend Marriage Counseling Sessions?

While it may be more challenging to resolve relationship issues when you are the only one willing to go to therapy, this should not stop you from going by yourself. At a minimum, individual relationship counseling can help you learn more about your reactions and behavior in the relationship to make sure the same patterns don’t cause repeated problems in the future.

Relationship counseling can help you learn the skills and tools necessary to improve any relationship, including how to communicate openly, rationally discuss differences, and mutually solve problems.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at (650) 947-4044 or by e-mail at [email protected] with any questions you have or to schedule a free consultation. I look forward to speaking with you and helping however I can!

© 2008 - 2025 Nanette Freedland, MFT | CA License: MFC 28411